11 - 13 2011
USCON2011 in Indore.
We participated in the 20th USCON 2011 in Indore amd displayed from mid end color doppler to Premium High End Color Doppler.
A lot of doctors visited our booth and were satisfied with the performance of Toshiba Color Doppler System.
Jul 29 - 31
CT UPDATE 2011 in Goa
We participated in CT UPDATE 2011 in Goa. CT Specialist from Toshiba Medical Systems Japan came to this conference and gave the presentaiton about the Latest Technology. Toshiba is the No1 CT Supplier who has 640 slice CT AquilionONE.
15 2011
2011 Best in KLAS Awards Toshiba Ranked
#1 Medical Eqipment Vender
The Top 20 medical equipment vendors who have a minimum of three distinct products that meet the minimum KLAS Konfidence level in three separate market segments. This year, Toshiba is top ranked, with an overall performance score of 89.2 out of a possible 100, followed by FUJIFILM and Hitachi.